Curtain Call…

The Creator of Truth… .. . DeVoe

Played true, in full, the part of a fool – a clown, forever once lost in the sensual sensations of a world which has long since rejected him. This clown, foolish child of sorts, now able to see, to hear the laughter directed to him is closing the curtain to this world of his. He, or rather I am now separate, free from the viewing eyes which would do nothing more than view me as the fool that I once was.

For so long I have allowed for myself to be seen as the image in which others have chosen to view. They, within their own ways have been allowed to crop me out of my own scene. They have been able to look upon me as they saw fit, enabling them to see right through me. Even within my moment have I allowed for others to dictate the way in which I am perceived. It is only now that I have begun to reflect unto the world the image in which I not only see, but the very truth I now define.

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